Any mind and body discipline commands dedication and perseverance within boundaries of injury prevention. Yoga is no different. We consider the practice of yoga sacred, thereby respecting the choices we make on the mat and off the mat. Our choices affect our body & our mind. The more you practice, the better your choices become.

On our training programs, retreats and events, I get to spend time together with trainees interested in learning more about Yoga and how to live a healthy lie focused around well being, health and a positive mind set.

On course, we work through physical practice by strengthening and deepening the flexibility in our body. We encourage movements pattern that positively influence our nervous system, muscular skeletal system and circulatory functions.

We work with our breath through pranayama to encourage better breathing patterns and let go of incorrect breathing habits. Breath work is my favorite topic especially since it is so important. It is said to be our only companion from the beginning to the end so why not give it its due importance.

We practice mindfulness meditation daily which helps cultivate a sustainable home practice.

The philosophy of Yoga reminds us of how to lead a well balanced life and let go of psychological bondages and knots, providing space for freedom.

All this take practice, dedication and continuous effort till it becomes effortless!

Join us on one of our programs to take a conscious step towards transformation and evolution.

Categories: Experiences

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