3 poses to release tight shoulders

One of the most common discomforts in a corporate persons life or a mother who has just had a baby is tense shoulders. The hunching and rounding of the upper back leads to much stress in the neck and shoulders and this trickles down to our entire upper body feeling uncomfortable throughout the day.

I have just the right poses for you, 3 safe simple steps that I never skip in a prenatal/postnatal class and in a regular class, I add in at least one somewhere in the routine no matter what the theme of the class is. So check out the video below and I hope you find it useful. My hair looks like I’ve just rolled out of bed lol so please excuse that. If you need a strap and don’t have one, use a towel or a scarf. You can hold the poses for longer breaths if it feels good. Anything uncomfortable, then stop and continue on the next pose. We all love a challenge, however keep in mind compassion for the body. You get only one this life time 🙂

Finding time to practice can be tricky especially if you are juggling a busy schedule, a new born baby or if you are just difficult with time management. I urge you to add some poses , even for 10 mins a day anywhere, anytime in your schedule. Yoga is for everyone and we can always find time for the stuff that we love and that is good for the wellness of our body.


IMG_5253“Diana Azavedo is a Yoga enthusiast and expert, offering yoga classes in Dubai, worldwide yoga retreats and yoga teacher training in Bali and Dubai.”  

Categories: Experiences

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