Yoga Teacher Mentorship

This tailored mentorship initiative is designed for new yoga teachers in Dubai seeking expert guidance and support, as well as experienced instructors who may feel stagnant and desire fresh ideas, inspiration, and motivation. Elevate your teaching abilities to better serve the Dubai yoga community through personalized one-on-one sessions or small group engagements.

If you’ve been an instructor for an extended period, you may sense burnout or the need to refresh your skills, ensuring you present yourself to your students with authenticity.


1. One-on-one Mentoring
2. Virtual Mentoring
3. Small Group Mentoring


1. Identification of Goals & Improvement Areas
2. Deeper Review of Practice
3. Effective Teaching Techniques
4. Practical Teaching Methodology
5. Feedback & Instructions
6. Social Media & Marketing
7. Overall Integration
8. Accountability & support

For more info, or 055-4549378

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